Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Relationship Between Aristotles Conception of...

The relationship between Aristotles conception of metaphysics, epistemology, and mans desire to know is extremely intricate. These notions have an inherent interrelation with one another, which is tied to his concept of being as being. Aristotles idea of the first science (Aristotle 79), which was eventually called metaphysics, revolves about the concept that prior to other forms of science that pertain to empirical evidence and certain facets that can be examined in terms of their physical qualities, such as astronomy or certain forms of mathematics, there is a fundamental form of science that can explain the root cause of these other events and proclivities. The most important thing to understand regarding the philosophers tenet of being as being is that it is essentially at the core of his notion of metaphysics, and plays a significant role in development of epistemology. What Aristotle is actually referring to in the quotation men by nature have a desire to know is mans basic nature which is of material substance. Men therefore, have a number of different senses (most of which are physical, some of which are not) that they use to perceive other aspects of life and its different facets. Therefore, these senses are what men use to observe, interact with, and ultimately understand the world around them. As a material being man has been endowed with such senses; therefore, he inherently has this propensity for using those senses for perceiving and understanding theShow MoreRelatedEthics and Related Philosophies4468 Words   |  18 Pagesmethod for direct perception of the Form of the Good. Philosopher  Karl Popper  describes the diale ctic as the art of intellectual intuition, of visualising the divine originals, the Forms or Ideas, of unveiling the Great Mystery behind the common mans everyday world of appearances.  In a similar vein, French philosopher  Pierre Hadotsuggests that the dialogues are a type of spiritual exercise. Furthermore, writes Hadot, in Platos view, every dialectical exercise, precisely because it is an exerciseRead MorePolitical Philosophy and Plato Essay9254 Words   |  38 Pagespedagogy in which a series of questions are asked not only to draw individual answers, but also to encourage fundamental insight into the issue at hand. It is Platos Socrates that also made important and lasting contributions to the fields of epistemology and logic, and the influence of his ideas and approach remains strong in providing a foundation for much western philosophy that followed. As one recent commentator has put it, Plato, the idealist, offers an idol, a master figure, for philosophy

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Borderline Personality Disorder Explored in Girl Interrupted

Girl Interrupted is a 1999 film in which Susanna, a high school senior on the verge of graduating with her class in 1967, is rushed to the Emergency Room because she consumed a whole bottle of Aspirin, followed by a bottle of Vodka. After being treated, Susanna is seen by a friend of her fathers, who is a Psychiatrist who believes that her actions were an attempt at suicide. Susanna, of course denies this, instead stating that she was making an effort to rid herself of a headache. The Psychiatrist recommends that she stay at a mental hospital named Claymore for a rest. While there, Susanna meets a number of individuals with a diverse array of disorders. One individual in particular, Lisa essentially runs the group of girls because†¦show more content†¦In Girl Interrupted, Lisa displays unstable relationships with people, difficulty controlling anger, emotional unpredictability, attempts to avoid abandonment, carelessness for oneself and enduring feelings of emptiness, and. L isa displays a devaluated unstable relationship with Daisy, who is a patient who will not eat in front of other people. While Daisy is eating, or simply wants to be left alone, Lisa will often barge into her room just to annoy her. In a scene that takes place in an ice cream parlor, Susanna is being yelled at by a woman whose husband she had an affair with. Lisa then loses control of her anger and grabs the lady’s wrist violently while yelling at her profanely. Lisa’s emotional unpredictability is displaced, once again, with Daisy. When Lisa and Susanna escape the hospital and flee to Daisy’s apartment, Lisa, knowing Daisy does not want her in her apartment, apologizes for being harsh to her at the hospital, and even gives Daisy a bracelet as a gift. Minutes later Lisa is bashing Daisy for being released from the hospital by bringing up stress related topics such as herShow MoreRelatedGirl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen1305 Words   |  6 Pagesthat prosper in acting â€Å"normal†. This is achieved by thrusting the title of insanity onto others who may be unlike oneself, although in reality, are simply non-conforming, as opposed to insane. In Susanna Kaysen’s Girl, Interrupted, this fine line between sanity and insanity is explored to great lengths. Through the unveiling of Susanna’s past, the reasoning behind her commitment to McLean Hospital for the mentally ill, and varying definitions of the diagnosis that Susanna received, it is evidentRead MoreGirl Interuppted2146 Words   |  9 PagesGirl Interrupted: Susanna Kaysen’s Mental Illness Katie Casebeer Margaret Gibson Amancio Lopes Molly Rather Boston College PY230 The film, Girl, Interrupted, is based on the life and memoir of Susanna Kaysen. During the late 1960’s Susanna Kaysen, attempted suicide and checked herself into a mental health hospital for two years. This movie adaptation weaves together the intricacies of Susanna’s personal life, the pressures of a changing society and the unexpected friendships she formedRead MoreStylistic Descriptions of Psyciatric Institutions of the 1960s in Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the film Girl, Interrupted1031 Words   |  4 PagesIn Ken Kesey’s novel One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest and the film Girl, Interrupted directed by James Mangold, the authors look at American psychiatric institutions of the 1960s and explore the idea that hospitals act as a microcosm for society, where characters are used as symbols to represent aspects of society. The settings represent conformity and rebellion, prejudice against minorities and authority figures rul ing absolutely. Both authors use stylistic features to position the audience to respondRead MoreSusanna Kaysen from Girl Interrupted2095 Words   |  9 PagesCharacter Analysis – Susanna Kaysen from Girl Interrupted This character analysis is based on the character, Susanna Kaysen (played by Winona Ryder), from the feature film ‘Girl Interrupted’ directed by James Mangold and distributed by Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. in 1999, Rated MA15+. The film is based on the true story of Susanna Kaysen’s time in a mental institution, set in the 1960s. Exploring Susanna Kaysen’s character through an interactional viewpoint, many psychological conceptsRead MoreMetz Film Language a Semiotics of the Cinema PDF100902 Words   |  316 Pagessemic integrity (ensemble semique), i.e., the totality of its constituent semes. For example, the lexical sense of the English word girl derives from at least two semes: young and female person. (See Greimas, Semantique structurale, Paris, 1966, especially p. 27.) In different contexts, the lexeme girl will have different meanings (a little girl, a young girl, etc.), or, to put it in Greimas s terms, various contextual semes accrete around a semic nucleus  ´* For Christian Metz, establishingRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 Pages Core Self-Evaluation Scale 103 Scoring Key 103 Comparison Data 103 2 MANAGING PERSONAL STRESS 105 SKILL ASSESSMENT 106 Diagnostic Surveys for Managing Stress 106 Stress Management Assessment 106 Time Management Assessment 107 Type A Personality Inventory 108 Social Readjustment Rating Scale 109 Sources of Personal Stress 111 SKILL LEARNING 112 Improving the Management of Stress and Time 112 The Role of Management 113 Major Elements of Stress 113 Reactions to Stress 114 Coping with Stress

Monday, December 9, 2019

Organizational Change Management Case Study Report for free

Question: Discuss about the Case Study Report for Organizational Change Management. Answer: Case Background The purpose of this report is to investigate the impact of change when Rapid Supply Electronics Components Limited (RSEC) acquired Electronic Bits Fast (EBF). With the growing need to counter competition, RSEC saw acquiring EBF as an opportunity to become a market leader. RSEC plans were to integrate EBFs system and processes to improve its service delivery and products development. Though the idea was good, RSEC had carried no in-depth analysis put enough supporting systems up to ensure the success of their strategy. Just eleven months after the acquisition, the board swiftly made its intentions clear of integrating all logistics, sales and customer service functions. The board made this decision without enough expert knowledge of how to implement the system across the whole company. For a change to succeed, the board needed to bring every member of the organization the change would affect directly or indirectly on board (Simatupang, Govindaraju and Amaranti, 2016). The goal of the project was to absorb the brand values and customer service principles of EBF in addition to sales and logistics system. The integration of the three components would have created and captured value from the merger. The project aimed at introducing the RSEC staff to the newly acquired system from EBF. The operations designed to create a centralized head office for the functions. This would have helped RSEC to reduce the costs associated with these functions plus aid the company to provide services efficiently. RSEC had a good plan to counter competition from other companies though the strategy was not well thought through. The company management wanted to capitalize on an available opportunity though they were in a rush, did not use experts and had limited knowledge on the task at hand. Analysis Problem Identification RSEC faced many issues that always accompany any change implementation in any organization. The problems presented a lot of challenges to the management. The biggest problem was that rather a new system benefits the company; it just managed to help the company create losses. The problems began with poor communication of the change about to be implemented (Bernardes, 2015). The employees who were going to be affected by the new system got the news at the same time as every other employee. The employees were not consulted or given a chance to air their views. Most of the employees were against this change as they knew it would interfere with their routine and since RSEC was acquiring EBF, the new staff would have to adjust to RSECs system. The employees did not see a need for a centralized system since to them the individual departments were performing well. The change involved some employees relocating to the central office in Sydney. These employees were not alerted before the change implementation process started to give them ample time to prepare themselves and their families and to hand over pending issues. The change rendered many customers service staff redundant and thus was released by the company. Those who did not feel like moving were also left unemployed. The high turnover of customer service staff paralyzed the operations of the centralized unit. The manager was having a hard time in meeting the set goals and objectives given limited resources regarding staff. The change did not progress as well as planned due to the staff shortage and the speed of the change. In Sydney, much time is spent to train replacement agency workers leaving a lot of work undone thus tainting the brand image and increasing custome r complaints. Problem Analysis and Justification RSEC has experienced a lot of problems brought about by the need for a centralized system. The companys problems began right from the acquisition (Paun, 2015). Though the acquisition was a brilliant idea by RSEC the process involved was shoddy and could not bear any profits for RSEC. RSEC did not openly communicate its intentions to the employees because it did not want to raise alarms and needed the merger to go through smoothly. Though the management could justify its reasons not to involve its employees, the action proved costly to the organization. The employees were an integral part of ensuring smooth change transition and success of the centralized, integrated function. The board had a success roadmap which they wanted to follow. The board made prior decisions about centralizing these primary functions even before the merger was complete and all necessary systems put in place. The board appointed the business systems manager from the original RSEC Company as the change manager. The business systems manager seemed to have technical expertise necessary to facilitate the implementation of the change. This was justified to the board as the manager had collaborated with the board during the development of a change plan and they thought he had the required knowledge to oversee the implementation process (Antonellis, 2016). The board was in a hurry to implement the new changes that it got rid of redundant employees quickly even before the system was a success. The board wanted to reduce the costs incurred and because it had faith the system would succeed. In doing so, the board got rid of skilled employees who could have helped the company succeed. Some actions of the board were justified, but the impact they had on the organization were severe. The resultant effect was a company performing poorly with fewer staff and a poor communication channel in addition to p oor managerial decisions. Alternative Solutions In this section, the report tries to develop some alternative solutions to RSEC organization and their acquisition of EBF. The acquisition proved to be a good strategic move to the company. The main goal the board had in mind was to centralize the main function s and adopt a system that would make them very competitive in the market. The company could have taken up the services of a consultant to help the company determine its cost drivers and ways to reduce the production cost in addition to designing brand values and customer service principles. Consultants have adequate knowledge and could advise the management on what to do. The consultant could have carried their investigation and determine what actions the firm can undertake to become cost drivers and improve their service delivery. Alternatively, the company could have first tried if the system is capable of achieving success for the two companies (White, 2006). Before enrolling the centralized system into full operation, the company could have adopted the change and try it out for a year or more to determine its suitability. It is crucial for companies to first try out a new system and carry out an in-depth evaluation of the system before settling on the final decision. RSEC could have adopted another solution to its problems through training. The organization could have trainers in the field of customer service to equip both managers and employees of competent skills and knowledge in quality customer services. Learning and training can help an organization counter the high competition in the industry. The trainers carry out research and have the up to date knowledge of the skills in the market. The organization could have gained a lot through training. Recommendations The following recommendations constitute some of the best actions RSEC could have taken on the issue at hand. To ensure that change is successful, the organization has to involve every member of the organization. By bringing every member on board, the organization will move forward as a single unit thus minimizing the chances for change resistance (Fox and Keisling, 2016). Through minimizing resistance to change, the organization would have reduced employee turnover and retain its talented employees. Before, during and after the implementation of change, the organization needs to develop an efficient and open communication channel. Communication is crucial during change implementation. Through effective communication, stress and conflict are minimized as all the issues are handled professionally. An open communication channel with information flowing up and down the organization helps the organization implement change that will have the support of the employees. During the implementa tion process, all the queries concerning the new system and any change needed to the system are made. The organization needed a professional consultant in organization change management to oversee the whole implementation process (Charlie, Perry and Loh, 2014). Consultants are useful to management by offering expert information needed to make the change implementation process successful. The implementation process determines the viability of the change to the organization. The company needs to develop a good rapport with the employees. The Human Resource (HR) manager already recognized that the employees are feeling less valued and have no morale to work. To improve the morale of the employees, the HR department needs to offer incentives such as outdoor training and seminars, offer gifts and financial rewards and also seek the services of counselors (Jarkas and Radosavljevic, 2013). Giving the employees an opportunity to be part of a decision-making process will also motivate them especially the older RSEC staff. The replacement agency workers need to have professional on the job tra iners and not fellow employees to ensure that productivity goes on. Implementation Change implementation is a necessary process for the organization to achieve its set goals. The implementation process should involve every member of the organization directly or indirectly affected by the change about to occur. To implement the recommendations, the organization could have sent information to every staff some weeks before the change management process kick starts (Dehmlow, 2016). Every employee should know the role he or she should play in the implementation process. It is important to bring the organization together at this point. Any employee stuck should seek assistance as soon as possible. The organization should tell the truth to the employees of what the coming changes contain and what benefits will accrue to the organization and the employees from the new system. There is no need for an organization to implement change and in the process lose all the talented and skilled employees due to poor change management. The employees should know they are very important and the change is for the better. Due to the limited number of staffs, the organization needs to implement an on the job training. The new employees should learn the specifications of the job while they are doing the job. The organizations should have professional trainers at the workplace and find coaches to help equip the new staff with the required set of skills. It is crucial to the organization for production to continue so as to satisfy the clients in the market and to address any customer issues that may crop up (Du Plesis and Mabunda, 2016). The organization also needs to provide an excellent communication system that can adequately support the implementation process. The communication channels should be open and give priority to any feedback regarding the implementation process. It is worrying that the board thinks the implementation process was successful while in the division units there is chaos. A good communication channel helps the organization avoid such issues and give the board real time information to address the issues. To motivate the employees, first, the organization needs to establish a good rapport with the employees. The organization has to be swift to turn around its misfortunes and capitalize on the opportunity as earlier planned. The inducements need to help the employees focus on the work and improve their productivity. The employees need to feel like part of the organizations future and that they have job security. To employees, job security is always a priority. For this employee saw their fellow employees lose their jobs, the organization will need to reassure them of job security. The implementation process is not easy, and it needs the A-game from the management and the board. References ANTONELLIS JR., P. J. (2016). Change Management: Recommendations for Prechange Success.Fire Engineering,369(8), 49-54. Bernardes, A., G. Cummings, G., Gabriel, C. S., Martinez vora, Y. D., Gomes Maziero, V., Coleman-Miller, G. (2015). Implementation of a participatory management model: analysis from a political perspective.Journal Of Nursing Management,23(7), 888-897. Charlie Chi Cong, M., Perry, C., Loh, E. (2014). Integrating Organizational Change Management and Customer Relationship Management in a Casino.UNLV Gaming Research Review Journal,18(2), 1-21. Dehmlow, M. (2016). Editorial Board Thoughts: The Importance of Staff Change Management in the Face of the Growing "Cloud".Information Technology Libraries,35(1), 3-6. Du Plessis, T., Mabunda, T. T. (2016). Change management in an academic library in the knowledge economy.South African Journal Of Libraries Information Science,82(1), 53-61. Fox, R. E., Keisling, B. L. (2016). Build Your Program by Building Your Team: Inclusively Transforming Services, Staffing and Spaces.Journal Of Library Administration,56(5), 526-539. Hettema, J., Ernst, D., Williams, J., Miller, K. (2014). Parallel Processes: Using Motivational Interviewing as an Implementation Coaching Strategy.Journal Of Behavioral Health Services Research,41(3), 324-336. Hughes, M. (2016). Who killed change management?.Culture Organization,22(4), 330-347. McKenna, P. J. (2016). The Darwinian Imperative: Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles to Change.Of Counsel,35(5), 10-16. Jarkas, A. M., Radosavljevic, M. (2013). Motivational Factors Impacting the Productivity of Construction Master Craftsmen in Kuwait.Journal Of Management In Engineering,29(4), 446-454. Kazaz, A., Manisali, E., Ulubeyli, S. (2008). EFFECT OF BASIC MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS ON CONSTRUCTION WORKFORCE PRODUCTIVITY IN TURKEY.Journal Of Civil Engineering Management,14(2), 95-106. Million, A. J., S. Bossaller, J. (2015). Strike While the Iron Is Hot: Change Management in the Context of a New Political Administration.Journal Of Library Administration,55(2), 92-113. P?UN, M. (2015). ETHICAL PROBLEMS IN THE CONTEXT OF MANAGEMENT OF CHANGE SPECIFIC TO CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY.Revista Academiei Fortelor Terestre,20(4), 433 Simatupang, T., Govindaraju, R., Amaranti, R. (2016). Change Management Perspectives in an ERP Module Implementation: A Case Study in a Telecommunication Company.Jurnal Teknik Industri,18(1), 51-61. Vedenik, G., Leber, M. (2015). CHANGE MANAGEMENT WITH THE AID OF A GENERIC MODEL FOR RESTRUCTURING BUSINESS PROCESSES.International Journal Of Simulation Modelling (IJSIMM),14(4), 584-595. White, J. (2006). Effecting Change in Periodicals Service: Management Models and a Process.Serials Review,32(1), 22-25.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Nature in Literature free essay sample

Nature in Literature Nature is one of the most powerful forces that has ran through literature throughout human history. Ever since the first recorded dramas and philosophical works, man could not avoid being in contact with the world around him, and so his connection to the earth must inevitably be part of his story. In literature, when nature is addressed, it is often in praise or awe, of its terror or of its beauty. Nature can represent the real and visceral as well as the sublime and the mystic.If one examines the work of the Transcendentalists, the Romantic Poets, and certain novelists, it is evident that the underlying feeling is that Nature provides inspiration and bliss, as well as a much-needed refuge from society. One of the best known schools of thought which dealt with Nature in literature is Transcendentalism. The Transcendentalist movement began in America in the 1800s. Transcendentalists believed that the divine could be reached through nature, by any man. We will write a custom essay sample on Nature in Literature or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The hallmark work of the movement was Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature. The most famous section of the work is when Emerson recalls an experience he had in the woods, and says I become a transparent eye-ball. . . . I see all. The currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or particle of God. (Cromphout 210) Emerson tapped into an experience of non-being, connecting on a purely spiritual level through nature, without need of church or religion.Equally famed is Henry David Thoreau’s work Walden. In this classic, Thoreau captures the spirit of nature, solitude, and finding joy in both. As an experiment, Thoreau left society and went to live in a cabin on Walden Pond. In this famous statement, Thoreau sums up the mission of his experiment: I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. ..I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms. † (Thoreau 5)He was making a stand against the materialism and convoluted nature of society- â€Å"Our life is frittered away by detail, simplify, simplify,† he says. For him nature represented the bare essentials- trees, rock, hunger, thirst; the things that lay behind the trappings of society.He took immense joy in the solitude and beauty of his life at Walden Pond. He farmed, observed, and lived in harmony with nature. Walden opened people’s eyes and inspired them, and might be the most classic example of nature in literature. Another Transcendentalist, the most radical and wonderfully incendiary, was Walt Whitman. His most famous work, Leaves of Grass, was written in free verse and was seen as controversial and even obscene by the uptight intellectuals of the day. The essence of his work is a deep oneness with nature, having no shame in being, and joy in what can be seen and felt.In Song of Myself, he says, â€Å"I am satisfied†¦ I see, dance, laugh, sing. † â€Å"The play of shine and shade on the trees as the supple boughs wag†¦ The feeling of health†¦ the full-noon trill†¦ the song of me rising from bed and meeting the sun. † (Whitman 12) For Whitman, nature is all he needs, he takes endless joy in being, tempering the intellect with natural physical pleasures. An equally important school of thought was the Romantic movement in Europe. Romanticism grew out of a rebellion against the Enlightenment and its stark intellectualism.Instead, romanticism revolves around passion, emotion, nature, mystery, turmoil, and all the qualities of life that were not constrained by reason. â€Å"Nature mysticism† was one of the most important aspects of the movement. (Micale 140) The romantics preferred the country and the wilderness to the city, and loved both gentle, pastoral landscapes as well as the turbulent, sublime, dramatic, and exotic. (Micale 150) Of course, literature was at the core of the Romantic movement, and the love of nature is reflected in its works.An excellent example of the â€Å"sublime† side of nature is found in the work of the mysterious literary figure Ossian, who influenced so many of the romantic writers. Ossian was actually the Scottish poet James Macpherson(1736-1796) who wrote a collection of ancient Scottish poems, claiming to be word-of-mouth folk tales, but it is supposed that he wrote them himself. (Simonsuuri 192) The poems involved misty, windblown, rocky landscapes and moonlight, and the romantic images and ideas he brought about captured the imagination of society and of individuals such as Goethe, Napoleon, and Jefferson. Simonsuuri 287) People were drawn to this exotic, wild side of nature and the worlds that it conjured. An example of the green, pastoral side of nature in romantic literature is found in William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience. In the poem Laughing Song, he says:â€Å"When the green woods laugh with the voice of joyAnd the dimpling stream runs laughing by,When the air does laugh with our merry wit,And the green hill laughs with the noise of it. † (Blake 28) In Songs of Innocence, Blake connects the lovely landscape with yout h, joy, and happiness.In his poetry, the countryside represents â€Å"innocence† and all things good, while the city represents â€Å"experience† and disillusionment. In conclusion, nature is one of the strongest forces found in literature. Men have written about the natural world and how it affects them for centuries, and will continue to do so. In Europe, Nature was at the core of the Romantic movement. Their works reflect both the stormy and sublime side of nature as well as the peaceful and pastoral. Either way, the romantics were moved to bliss and rapture by the beauties they saw around them.In America, a similar movement took place with the Transcendentalists, who believed that the unifying spirit in all things could be reached directly through nature. In literature, nature is often perceived with some amount of mysticism. To man, nature represents all that is not machine and society, it represents a state of freedom, passion, and beauty. If one examines the work of the Transcendentalists, the Romantic Poets, and certain novelists, it is evident that the underlying feeling is that Nature provides inspiration and bliss, as well as a much-needed refuge from society. Word count: 1100

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mermaid Purse vs. Skate Case

Mermaid Purse vs. Skate Case Perhaps youve found a mermaids purse on the beach. Mermaids purses blend really well with seaweed, so you may also have walked right by one. Upon further investigation, you can learn more about what they are. The enchantingly named structures are the egg cases of skates and some sharks. This is why they are also known as skate cases. While some sharks bear live young, some sharks (and all skates) release their embryos in leathery egg cases that have horns and sometimes long tendrils at each corner. The tendrils allow them to anchor to seaweeds or other substrates. Each egg case contains one embryo. The case is made up of a material that is a combination of collagen and keratin, so a dried egg case feels similar to a fingernail.   In some areas, such as in the Bering Sea, skates seem to lay these eggs in nursery areas.  Depending on the species and sea conditions, the embryo may take weeks, months or even years to fully develop. When they hatch out of one end, the baby animals look like miniature versions of their skate or shark parents.   If you find a mermaids purse on the beach or are lucky enough to see a live one in the wild or in an aquarium, look closely if the developing skate or shark is still alive, you may be able to see it wiggling around.  You also may be able to see it if you shine a light through one side. The egg cases on the beach are often light and already opened, which means the animal inside has already hatched and left the egg case.   Where to Find a Mermaids Purse Mermaids purses usually get washed or blown to the high tide line of the beach, and they often get wrapped up in (and blend in well with) seaweeds and shells. As youre walking along the beach, walk in the area where shells and ocean debris seems to have washed up, and you might be lucky enough to find a mermaids purse. You may be more likely to find one after a storm.   Mermaids Purse Identification Found a mermaids purse on the beach and want to know where it is from?  Skate and shark species vary by region, but there are some identification guides out there for you beachcombers wanting to identify your finds. Here are the ones Ive found so far: Egg Cases of Alaska (great pamphlet about where baby skates come from)Shark Trust Egg Case Identification Key (UK) Conservation Factors To learn about population sizes and reproduction, some organizations have launched citizen science efforts to have people report and send in egg cases they find on the beach. Click on the links below for more information on reporting mermaids purses that you may find. The Great Egg Case Hunt (Shark Trust, UK)Marine Dimensions (Ireland) References and More Information Florida Museum of Natural History. Shark Biology. Accessed February 28, 2015.Florida Museum of Natural History. Ray and Skate Biology. Accessed February 28, 2015.Shark Trust. The Great Egg Case Hunt Project: Frequently Asked Questions. Accessed February 28, 2015.Weis, J. S. Do Fish Sleep? Fascinating Answers to Questions About Fishes. Rutgers University Press. 217pp.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Name the year - Emphasis

Name the year Name the year Almost a month into the first year of the new decade and the time may have come to pick a side: is it twenty-ten or two thousand and ten? Most people seem to be automatically going with the latter, but they are wrong to do so, claims one American group. This is NAGG (the National Association of Good Grammar), a small group that may actually just be one bloke, a cat and a kettle (they dont even have their own website). Despite their size, they are reportedly very vocal on this subject. Theyre adamant it should be twenty ten and are, frankly, exceedingly put out that we spent the last ten years saying two thousand. Founder Tom Torriglia points out that we are not following the pattern of the twentieth century. Prince never sang, Tonight were going to party like its one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine, thats for sure.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The risks associated with ionising radiation in medical imaging Assignment

The risks associated with ionising radiation in medical imaging practice, and the precautions required to protect aginst them - Assignment Example Due to the in effective training and inadequate awareness given to the staff as well as the patients they are exposed to more unnecessary radiation (Koenig et al 2001). Ionizing radiation is used in applications such as medical imaging in the hospitals and to perform diagnostic imaging. In the medical imaging, the most common forms of the ionizing radiations are the gamma rays and the x-rays. These medical imaging practices are important in the medical field because of the determination of the diseases and different injuries in the human body. However, aside from these benefits and life saving tool, these ionizing radiations has certain limits and conditions to be applied on the patients and people. The reason for this is due to the fact that high doses of these ionizing radiations are responsible for the formation of cancers. The ionizing radiation in the medical imaging is found to be one of the most important discoveries of the medical science. Even with the use of the new technol ogy, the equipments are highly capable of posing high radiation doses if the treatment procedure is not well maintained and followed (ICRP 2000). Whereas there is a strong debate going that the usage of these ionizing radiations may cause genetic mutations and cancers. As it is well known that there is no such dose below which there is no risk of any harm to the exposed one or a zero risk (ICRP 1990). So it is important to avoid the exposure to these ionizing radiations but how can this be possible. Of course someone that needs medical attention and for different diagnosis, one has to go through these treatments, but on the first hand the primary cure is to improve the life styles and the determinants that may cause the health damage to be improved. Below is the typical effective dose from x-ray radiation. Exam Effective Dose mSv (mrem)1 Chest (LAT) 0.04 (4) Chest (AP) 0.02 (2) Skull (AP) 0.03 (3) Skull (Lat) 0.01 (1) Pelvis (AP) 0.7 (70) Thoracic Spine (AP) 0.4 (40) Lumbar Spine (A P) 0.7 (70) Exam Effective Dose mSv (mrem)2 Mammogram (four views) 0.7 (70) Dental (lateral) 0.02 (2) Dental (panoramic) 0.09 (9) DEXA (whole body) 0.0004 (0.04) Hip 0.8 (80) Hand or Foot 0.005 (0.5) Abdomen 1.2 (120) By improving our health status and also improving our physical mental and social states, we can avoid these threats even at the first place to be exposed by such ionizing radiations even for the diagnosis. However the main concern regarding the ionizing radiation is the induced cancer among the young children from the CT scans. As the young children are more susceptible to get the cancer as compared to the elders, so the more controlled experiments and discoveries are to be made in order to avoid this risk of more cancer due to these ionizing radiations. But another debate that why the need for these medical imaging are increasing day by day even with the more sophisticated technology and new era of research, does that means that science failed to improve the health st atus of the world’s population even with the advancement. The answer could be controversial as the health is comprehensive phenomena and does not depend on one facto but many. So there is a need to improve the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Development of Prostitution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Development of Prostitution - Essay Example s â€Å"profession† vary greatly among those involved, the most common of which relate to poverty and destitution, although according to an unnamed Google-sponsored informative website (2010), other reasons such as a desire for drugs and/or alcohol, also exist. Despite its controversial nature, it is sometimes pondered whether its legalization would do greater harm than good. Thus, this article aims to discuss the pros and cons if ever prostitution were to be legalized, and to come up with a stand. Asia, America, Europe, wherever one goes, a very much active sex industry is sure to exist. Most industrialized nations have cities with their own red-light district, complete with clubs with neon signs, where those interested can experience a close encounter of the carnal kind. But regardless of where it occurs, prostitution is an issue worthy of note. Where it started, why it goes on, and why anyone would be drawn to it in the first place are just some questions people ask pertaining to this subject. An article by Iris Hickenbottom (2002) states that this particular trade dates back to ancient Mesopotamia, emerging in Victorian-era America in the middle of the 19th century. Public perception of the sex industry and of prostitutes in general varied greatly within this period, ranging from understanding and sympathy to indifference and finally to flat, outright rejection. While they had hitherto been thought of as life-draining demons in human guise, early feminists instead viewed them as victims of a male-dominated society – a viewpoint which slowly but surely altered the status of women all over. The same site goes on to note Dr. William Sanger, whose research on the topic was highly regarded due to being both accurate and detailed. Among the most important things he discovered was the general profile of a prostitute: they were said to mostly be in their late teens or early adulthood, and usually came from a background of poverty and illiteracy. Since at the time,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Ancient Indian Mathematics Essay Example for Free

Ancient Indian Mathematics Essay There are opposing views prevalent regarding the prominence of mathematics in ancient India. One, there are those who make excessive claims for the antiquity of Indian mathematics with the motive of emphasizing the uniqueness of Indian mathematical achievements. Whereas, the other conflicting views denies the existence of any ‘real’ Indian mathematics before A. D. 500. This view is the result of deeply entrenched Euro centrism that does not negotiate with the idea of independent developments in early Indian mathematics. Whereas mathematics grew out of philosophy in ancient Greece, it was an outcome of linguistic developments in India. In fact the algebraic character of ancient Indian mathematics is but a byproduct of the well-established linguistic tradition of representing numbers by words. ? Around 800 B. C. Vedic mathematics declined and Jains School of mathematics gradually which was to do notable work in the field. ? From about 200 B. C. was period of instability and fragmentation due to foreign invasions but also of useful cross cultural contacts. Probably the only piece of existing mathematical evidence from this period is the Bakhshali manuscript. ? This period ranges from 3rd to 12th centuries and is referred to as the classical period of Indian civilization. Mathematical activities reached a climax with the appearance of the famous quartet: Brahmagupta, Mahvika and Bhaskracharya. Indian work on astronomy and mathematics spread westward, reaching the Islamic world where it was absorbed, refined and augmented before being transmitted to Europe. This last period described as the medieval period of Indian history, saw the migration of astronomy and mathematics from the north to south. Particularly in present day state of Kerala, this was a period marked by remarkable studies of infinite series and mathematical analysis that predated similar works in Europe by about three hundred years. Harappan society was a highly organized society. There is every possibility that the town dwellers were skilled in mensuration and practical ar ithmetic of a bid similar to what was practiced in Egypt and Mesopotamia. Archaeological findings from that period provide the following indications of the numerate culture of that society: ? It shows uniformity of weights over such a wide area and time which is quite unusual in the history of metrology. Taking 27. 584 grams as a standard, representing 1, the other weights form a series of 0. 05, 0. 1, 0. 2, 0. 5, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 and 500. Such standardization and durability is a strong indication of a numerate culture with wellestablished, centralized system of weights and measures. Scales and instruments for measuring length have also been discovered with remarkably high accuracy. A notable feature of Harappan culture was its extensive use of kiln-fired bricks and the advanced level of its brick-making technology. These bricks are exceptionally well baked and of excellent quality and may still be used over and over again provided some care is taken in removing them in the first place. Fifteen different sizes of Harappan bricks have been identif ied with standard ratio of the three dimensions as 4:2:1. It was thought until recently that from them evolved first the Bakhshali Number system and then the Gwalior system which is recognizably close to our present day number system. In both Bakshati and Gwalior number systems, ten symbols were used to represent 1 to 9 and zero. With them it became possible to express any number, irrespective of its largeness, by a decimal place value system. Long lists of number- names for powers of 10 are found in various early sources. In the Ramayana, it is reported that Rama had an army of 1010 +1014 +1020 +1024 +1030 +1034 +1040 +1044 +1052 +1057 +1062 +5 men. The very existence of names for powers of ten up to sixty two indicates that the Vedic Indians were quite at home with very large numbers. This is to be compared with ancient Greeks, who had no words for numbers above the myriad (104). The Jains who came after the Vedic Indians were particularly fascinated by even larger numbers which were intimately tied up with their philosophy of time and space. For units of measuring time, the Jains suggested following relationship: 1 purvis = 756 * 1011 days 1 shirsa prahelika = (8,400,000)28 purvis The last number contains 194 digits! The word numeral system was the logical outcome of proceeding by the multiples of 10. Such a system presupposes a scientifically based vocabulary of number names in which the principles of addition, subtraction and multiplication are used. Â  Due to oral mode of preserving and disseminating knowledge, the wordnumeral system persisted in India. As a replacement to this, a new concrete system was devised to help versification and memory, known as bhutasamkhya, wherein numbers were indicated by well-known objects or ideas.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Canterbury Tales - Downfall of the Church in Chaucer’s General Prologue :: Canterbury Tales

Canterbury Tales - Downfall of the Church in Chaucer’s General Prologue Light-hearted yet bitingly satirical, Chaucer’s â€Å"General Prologue† to his Canterbury Tales is a commentary on the corruptions of the Church at the time. Chaucer, being of noble estate, retains his witticism in his narrator. The narrator devotes many a line to the vivid portrayals of the Prioress and the Frere. Through the actions of these two members of the clergy, it is seen that the lust for material goods, the need for flaunting one’s estate, and the development of hypocrisy all contribute to the shaking of the Church’s foundations. Enfolded in the coils of luxury, the Prioress and the Frere can hardly recall their missions as part of the clergy. Is not gluttony evil in the eyes of the Church? Although not allowing any â€Å"morsel from hir lippes falle† (Chaucer, l. 128) can be viewed as a sign of â€Å"wasting not† in the Prioress, Chaucer’s narrator’s detailed and realistic descriptions of the Prioress’s table manners impress upon one that food and drink is the quintessence of this woman’s faith in the Church. The Frere, too, delights in merry living. Not only does he know the taverns in every town, he also knows â€Å"every hostiler and tappestere,/Bet than a lazar or a beggestere† (ll. 240-242). The Frere spends most of his time playing the rote and singing ballads (ll. 236-237); he also showers â€Å"faire wives† with gifts such as â€Å"knives† and â€Å"pinnes† (ll. 233-234). How is it then that the Frere needs to be g? He is the â€Å"beste beggere in his hous† (l. 252), and he can coax a â€Å"widwe [who] hadde nought a sho† (l. 255) to give him money. Is this not ridiculous when, during love-dayes, the Frere can - like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon - shed his begging clothes and wear ceremonial gowns as rich and as fine as a maister’s or a pope’s? Contrary to the Church’s belief in not hoarding material goods, the Prioress delights in dressing fashionably in a neat cloak, with coral around her arms, and a gold brooch about her neck (ll. 157-162). As feasting and dressing shrewdly seem to occupy the bulk of these religious’ time, it must be that the Church is now based on hedonism instead of faith and humility!

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


Since this is a website concerning the sell of pixels for a dollar and having the public buy and advertise their pages or business for only a dollar. According to the innovator, who thought of the idea to pay for his college degree achieved a sold out audience achieving one million dollars. The is trying to achieve the same goal but to use the funds generated to give 50% to the creator of the site and the other half to the Navy and Marine Corps Relief Society. Although, the intention for the purpose of the money is a great idea, the case arises in how to promote a new idea in informational technology. First, the website should be clear on its goal and purpose for the site. Presently, the website lacks explanation and what the customer should see as the outcome. If the person does not go to the, than it is not aware of the end result. The site is sort of an advertising mall that you pick the box that can get you the product. Marketing a website like this a bit of the problem because what is the gimmick to attack people to it. In order, for someone to want to buy a pixel it must have a business or be offering service in order to advertise. However, for this site good way to spread the word about the site is through search engines, spreading flyers to the public, and placing banners through sources like and sites that support the armed forces. Another way how the site can get promotion is through college students that are studying web design and marketing strategies to design links to the site from their pages to connect to yours. Also by offering that the site is a permenanted avenue for them to get hits to their website or corporate sites people are more likely to buy because it is something that will always generate customers. The most important tool your website can do is provide information to those interested in purchasing a pixel and letting them know it is a great investment that will generate business relationships or contacts. In the long run, the customers generate more business and the creator and the corps get a winning result. References: Tew Alex (2005) The Million Dollar Page; Copyrighted by Alex Tew 2005. The Million Dollar Sailor (2006) The Million Dollar Sailor: Copyrighted by

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Digital Fortress Chapter 110-114

Chapter 110 Jabba stared blankly at the printout Soshi had just handed him. Pale, he wiped his forehead on his sleeve. â€Å"Director, we have no choice. We've got to kill power to the databank.† â€Å"Unacceptable,† Fontaine replied. â€Å"The results would be devastating.† Jabba knew the director was right. There were over three thousand ISDN connections tying into the NSA databank from all over the world. Every day military commanders accessed up-to-the-instant satellite photos of enemy movement. Lockheed engineers downloaded compartmentalized blueprints of new weaponry. Field operatives accessed mission updates. The NSA databank was the backbone of thousands of U.S. government operations. Shutting it down without warning would cause life-and-death intelligence blackouts all over the globe. â€Å"I'm aware of the implications, sir,† Jabba said, â€Å"but we have no choice.† â€Å"Explain yourself,† Fontaine ordered. He shot a quick glance at Susan standing beside him on the podium. She seemed miles away. Jabba took a deep breath and wiped his brow again. From the look on his face, it was clear to the group on the podium that they were not going to like what he had to say. â€Å"This worm,† Jabba began. â€Å"This worm is not an ordinary degenerative cycle. It's a selective cycle. In other words, it's a worm with taste.† Brinkerhoff opened his mouth to speak, but Fontaine waved him off. â€Å"Most destructive applications wipe a databank clean, â€Å"Jabba continued, â€Å"but this one is more complex. It deletes only those files that fall within certain parameters.† â€Å"You mean it won't attack the whole databank?† Brinkerhoff asked hopefully. â€Å"That's good, right?† â€Å"No!† Jabba exploded. â€Å"It's bad! It's very fucking bad!† â€Å"Cool it!† Fontaine ordered. â€Å"What parameters is this worm looking for? Military? Covert ops?† Jabba shook his head. He eyed Susan, who was still distant, and then Jabba's eyes rose to meet the director's. â€Å"Sir, as you know, anyone who wants to tie into this databank from the outside has to pass a series of security gates before they're admitted.† Fontaine nodded. The databank's access hierarchies were brilliantly conceived; authorized personnel could dial in via the Internet and World Wide Web. Depending on their authorization sequence, they were permitted access to their own compartmentalized zones. â€Å"Because we're tied to the global Internet, â€Å"Jabba explained, â€Å"hackers, foreign governments, and EFF sharks circle this databank twenty-four hours a day and try to break in.† â€Å"Yes,† Fontaine said, â€Å"and twenty-four hours a day, our security filters keep them out. What's your point?† Jabba gazed down at the printout. â€Å"My point is this. Tankado's worm is not targeting our data.† He cleared his throat. â€Å"It's targeting our security filters.† Fontaine blanched. Apparently he understood the implications-this worm was targeting the filters that kept the NSA databank confidential. Without filters, all of the information in the databank would become accessible to everyone on the outside. â€Å"We need to shut down,† Jabba repeated. â€Å"In about an hour, every third grader with a modem is going to have top U.S. security clearance.† Fontaine stood a long moment without saying a word. Jabba waited impatiently and finally turned to Soshi. â€Å"Soshi! VR! NOW!† Soshi dashed off. Jabba relied on VR often. In most computer circles, VR meant â€Å"virtual reality,† but at the NSA it meant vis-rep-visual representation. In a world full of technicians and politicians all having different levels of technical understanding, a graphic representation was often the only way to make a point; a single plummeting graph usually aroused ten times the reaction inspired by volumes of spreadsheets. Jabba knew a VR of the current crisis would make its point instantly. â€Å"VR!† Soshi yelled from a terminal at the back of the room. A computer-generated diagram flashed to life on the wall before them. Susan gazed up absently, detached from the madness around her. Everyone in the room followed Jabba's gaze to the screen. The diagram before them resembled a bull's-eye. In the center was a red circle marked data. Around the center were five concentric circles of differing thickness and color. The outermost circle was faded, almost transparent. â€Å"We've got a five-tier level of defense,† Jabba explained. â€Å"A primary Bastion Host, two sets of packet filters for FTP and X-eleven, a tunnel block, and finally a PEM-based authorization window right off the Truffle project. The outside shield that's disappearing represents the exposed host. It's practically gone. Within the hour, all five shields will follow. After that, the world pours in. Every byte of NSA data becomes public domain.† Fontaine studied the VR, his eyes smoldering. Brinkerhoff let out a weak whimper. â€Å"This worm can open our databank to the world?† â€Å"Child's play for Tankado,† Jabba snapped. â€Å"Gauntlet was our fail-safe. Strathmore blew it.† â€Å"It's an act of war,† Fontaine whispered, an edge in his voice. Jabba shook his head. â€Å"I really doubt Tankado ever meant for it to go this far. I suspect he intended to be around to stop it.† Fontaine gazed up at the screen and watched the first of the five walls disappear entirely. â€Å"Bastion Host is toast!† a technician yelled from the back of the room. â€Å"Second shield's exposed!† â€Å"We've got to start shutting down,† Jabba urged. â€Å"From the looks of the VR, we've got about forty-five minutes. Shutdown is a complex process.† It was true. The NSA databank had been constructed in such a way as to ensure it would never lose power-accidentally or if attacked. Multiple fail-safes for phone and power were buried in reinforced steel canisters deep underground, and in addition to the feeds from within the NSA complex, there were multiple backups off main public grids. Shutting down involved a complex series of confirmations and protocols-significantly more complicated than the average nuclear submarine missile launch. â€Å"We have time,† Jabba said, â€Å"if we hurry. Manual shutdown should take about thirty minutes.† Fontaine continued staring up at the VR, apparently pondering his options. â€Å"Director!† Jabba exploded. â€Å"When these firewalls fall, every user on the planet will be issued top-security clearance! And I'm talking upper level! Records of covert ops! Overseas agents! Names and locations of everyone in the federal witness protection program! Launch code confirmations! We must shut down! Now!† The director seemed unmoved. â€Å"There must be some other way.† â€Å"Yes,† Jabba spat, â€Å"there is! The kill-code! But the only guy who knows it happens to be dead!† â€Å"How about brute force?† Brinkerhoff blurted. â€Å"Can we guess the kill-code?† Jabba threw up his arms. â€Å"For Christ sake! Kill-codes are like encryption keys-random! Impossible to guess! If you think you can type 600 trillion entries in the next forty-five minutes, be my guest!† â€Å"The kill-code's in Spain,† Susan offered weakly. Everyone on the podium turned. It was the first thing she had said in a long time. Susan looked up, bleary-eyed. â€Å"Tankado gave it away when he died.† Everyone looked lost. â€Å"The pass-key†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Susan shivered as she spoke. â€Å"Commander Strathmore sent someone to find it.† â€Å"And?† Jabba demanded. â€Å"Did Strathmore's man find it?† Susan tried to fight it, but the tears began to flow. â€Å"Yes,† she choked. â€Å"I think so.† Chapter 111 An earsplitting yell cut through the control room. â€Å"Sharks!† It was Soshi. Jabba spun toward the VR. Two thin lines had appeared outside the concentric circles. They looked like sperm trying to breach a reluctant egg. â€Å"Blood's in the water, folks!† Jabba turned back to the director. â€Å"I need a decision. Either we start shutting down, or we'll never make it. As soon as these two intruders see the Bastion Host is down, they'll send up a war cry.† Fontaine did not respond. He was deep in thought. Susan Fletcher's news of the pass-key in Spain seemed promising to him. He shot a glance toward Susan in the back of the room. She appeared to be in her own world, collapsed in a chair, her head buried in her hands. Fontaine was unsure exactly what had triggered the reaction, but whatever it was, he had no time for it now. â€Å"I need a decision!† Jabba demanded. â€Å"Now!† Fontaine looked up. He spoke calmly. â€Å"Okay, you've got one. We are not shutting down. We're going to wait.† Jabba's jaw dropped. â€Å"What? But that's-â€Å" â€Å"A gamble,† Fontaine interrupted. â€Å"A gamble we just might win.† He took Jabba's cellular and punched a few keys. â€Å"Midge,† he said. â€Å"It's Leland Fontaine. Listen carefully†¦.† Chapter 112 â€Å"You better know what the hell you're doing, Director,† Jabba hissed. â€Å"We're about to lose shut-down capability.† Fontaine did not respond. As if on cue, the door at the back of the control room opened, and Midge came dashing in. She arrived breathless at the podium. â€Å"Director! The switchboard is patching it through right now!† Fontaine turned expectantly toward the screen on the front wall. Fifteen seconds later the screen crackled to life. The image on screen was snowy and stilted at first, and gradually grew sharper. It was a QuickTime digital transmission-only five frames per second. The image revealed two men. One was pale with a buzz cut, the other a blond all-American. They were seated facing the camera like two newscasters waiting to go on the air. â€Å"What the hell is this?† Jabba demanded. â€Å"Sit tight,† Fontaine ordered. The men appeared to be inside a van of some sort. Electronic cabling hung all around them. The audio connection crackled to life. Suddenly there was background noise. â€Å"Inbound audio,† a technician called from behind them. â€Å"Five seconds till two-way.† â€Å"Who are they?† Brinkerhoff asked, uneasily. â€Å"Eye in the sky,† Fontaine replied, gazing up at the two men he had sent to Spain. It had been a necessary precaution. Fontaine had believed in almost every aspect of Strathmore's plan-the regrettable but necessary removal of Ensei Tankado, rewriting Digital Fortress-it was all solid. But there was one thing that made Fontaine nervous: the use of Hulohot. Hulohot was skilled, but he was a mercenary. Was he trustworthy? Would he take the pass-key for himself? Fontaine wanted Hulohot covered, just incase, and he had taken the requisite measures. Chapter 113 â€Å"Absolutely not!† The man with the buzz cut yelled into the camera. â€Å"We have orders! We report to Director Leland Fontaine and Leland Fontaine only!† Fontaine looked mildly amused. â€Å"You don't know who I am, do you?† â€Å"Doesn't matter, does it?† the blond fired hotly. â€Å"Let me explain,† Fontaine interjected. â€Å"Let me explain something right now.† Seconds later, the two men were red-faced, spilling their guts to the director of the National Security Agency. â€Å"D-director,† the blond stammered, â€Å"I'm Agent Coliander. This is Agent Smith.† â€Å"Fine,† Fontaine said. â€Å"Just brief us.† At the back of the room, Susan Fletcher sat and fought the suffocating loneliness that pressed down around her. Eyes closed, and ears ringing, she wept. Her body had gone numb. The mayhem in the control room faded to a dull murmur. The gathering on the podium listened, restless, as Agent Smith began his briefing. â€Å"On your orders, Director,† Smith began, â€Å"we've been here in Seville for two days, trailing Mr. Ensei Tankado.† â€Å"Tell me about the kill,† Fontaine said impatiently. Smith nodded. â€Å"We observed from inside the van at about fifty meters. The kill was smooth. Hulohot was obviously a pro. But afterward his directive went awry. Company arrived. Hulohot never got the item.† Fontaine nodded. The agents had contacted him in South America with news that something had gone wrong, so Fontaine had cut his trip short. Coliander took over. â€Å"We stayed with Hulohot as you ordered. But he never made a move for the morgue. Instead, he picked up the trail of some other guy. Looked private. Coat and tie.† â€Å"Private?† Fontaine mused. It sounded like a Strathmore play-wisely keeping the NSA out of it. â€Å"FTP filters failing!† a technician called out. â€Å"We need the item,† Fontaine pressed. â€Å"Where is Hulohot now?† Smith looked over his shoulder. â€Å"Well†¦ he's with us, sir.† Fontaine exhaled. â€Å"Where?† It was the best new she'd heard all day. Smith reached toward the lens to make an adjustment. The camera swept across the inside of the van to reveal two limp bodies propped against the back wall. Both were motionless. One was a large man with twisted wire-rim glasses. The other was young with a shock of dark hair and a bloody shirt. â€Å"Hulohot's the one on the left,† Smith offered. â€Å"Hulohot's dead?† the director demanded. â€Å"Yes, sir.† Fontaine knew there would be time for explanations later. He glanced up at the thinning shields. â€Å"Agent Smith,† he said slowly and clearly. â€Å"The item. I need it.† Smith looked sheepish. â€Å"Sir, we still have no idea what the item is. We're on a need-to-know.† Chapter 114 â€Å"Then look again!† Fontaine declared. The director watched in dismay as the stilted image of the agents searched the two limp bodies in the van for a list of random numbers and letters. Jabba was pale. â€Å"Oh my God, they can't find it. We're dead!† â€Å"Losing FTP filters!† a voice yelled. â€Å"Third shield's exposed!† There was a new flurry of activity. On the front screen, the agent with the buzz cut held out his arms in defeat. â€Å"Sir, the pass-key isn't here. We've searched both men. Pockets. Clothing. Wallets. No sign at all. Hulohot was wearing a Monocle computer, and we've checked that too. It doesn't look like he ever transmitted anything remotely resembling random characters-only a list of kills.† â€Å"Dammit!† Fontaine seethed, suddenly losing his cool. â€Å"It's got to be there! Keep looking!† Jabba had apparently seen enough-Fontaine had gambled and lost. Jabba took over. The huge Sys-Sec descended from his pulpit like a storm off a mountain. He swept through his army of programmers calling out commands. â€Å"Access auxiliary kills! Start shutting it down! Do it now!† â€Å"We'll never make it!† Soshi yelled. â€Å"We need a half hour! By the time we shut down, it will be too late!† Jabba opened his mouth to reply, but he was cut short by a scream of agony from the back of the room. Everyone turned. Like an apparition, Susan Fletcher rose from her crouched position in the rear of the chamber. Her face was white, her eyes transfixed on the freeze-frame of David Becker, motionless and bloody, propped up on the floor of the van. â€Å"You killed him!† she screamed. â€Å"You killed him!† She stumbled toward the image and reached out. â€Å"David†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Everyone looked up in confusion. Susan advanced, still calling, her eyes never leaving the projection of David's body. â€Å"David.† She gasped, staggering forward. â€Å"Oh, David†¦ how could they-â€Å" Fontaine seemed lost. â€Å"You know this man?† Susan swayed unsteadily as she passed the podium. She stopped a few feet in front of the enormous projection and stared up, bewildered and numb, calling over and over to the man she loved.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Stative Verbs

Definition and Examples of Stative Verbs In English grammar, a stative verb is a  verb used primarily to describe a state of being  (I am) or situation (I have). Its how something is, feels, or appears. These verbs dont show physical action (I run) or processes (It prints). Stative verbs can describe a mental or emotional state of being (I doubt) as well as a physical state (Kilroy was here). The situations illustrated by state verbs are unchanging while they last and can continue for a long or indefinite time period. Key Takeaways: Stative Verbs Stative verbs are not action or dynamic verbs.  Stative verbs describe how something is or seems or a mental process.Revise them out of your writing to increase imagery and details in a passage. Common examples include be, have, like, seem, prefer, understand,  belong, doubt, hate,  and  know, such as in the saying, We  are  what we  believe  we  are. These types of words are also known as  being verbs (especially in the case of be, am, is, are, was, and were), or  static verbs.  Contrast them with  dynamic verbs, which show action. Types of Stative Verbs Four types of stative verbs include: senses, emotion, being, and possession. Theres no one right way to classify them, of course, and some words can fit in multiple categories, depending on the context of their usage. Geoffrey Leach and colleagues group the four types this way: (a) Perception and sensation (e.g.  see, hear, smell, hurt, taste)...(b) Cognition, emotion, attitude (e.g.  think, feel, forget, long, remember)...(c) Having and being (e.g.  be, have, have to, cost, require)...(d) Stance (e.g.  sit, stand, lie, live, face) (Geoffrey Leech, Marianne Hundt, Christian Mair, and Nicholas Smith, Change in Contemporary English: A Grammatical Study. Cambridge University Press, 2012) Sensing Verbs Senses and perception verbs include data coming into your five senses: SeeHearSmellTasteSeemSoundLookSense Emotion and Thought Verbs Emotion and thought verbs include: LoveHateAdoreLikeDespiseDoubtFeelBelieveForgetRememberLongAgree/disagreeEnjoyNeedThinkRecognizePreferUnderstandSuspectAppear Possession Verbs Possession verbs include: HaveBelongIncludeOwnWant Being/Qualities Verbs Verbs that describe states of  being include: Be/Are/IsWeighContainInvolveContainConsist Writing Advice: Revise Them Out Some writing advice will tell you never to use to be verbs, but sometimes theyre unavoidable. Of course, if you can revise a paragraph that has a bunch of lifeless verbs into one where theres more action, thats typically the way to go, as it makes your writing more dynamic and sensory for the reader.   For example, look at the sentence, His room was a mess. This description could mean a lot of things to different people, such as a neat freak vs. a clutter bug. But if you revise to include sensory imagery and more description, youll have a much fuller experience for the reader and less ambiguity. Revised description: Piles of dirty clothes rose from the floor, books and papers covered the desk, and trash overflowed the wastebasket. Grammar: To Be but Not to Being Though stative verbs can be in the present, past, or future tenses, theyre not usually in motion. That is, stative verbs usually dont occur in the progressive  form (an -ing verb form paired with a helper, such as in are trying; you wouldnt say, for example, I am having a pencil.)   Of course, our malleable English language is made up of exceptions to the rules. Susan J. Behrens, in Grammar: A Pocket Guide, notes, [T]here is some advertising that plays with stative verbs. The McDonalds slogan Im loving it uses a stative verb in the present progressive form (Routledge, 2010). These types of usages are becoming more common, denoting conditions that are temporary, such as in, Youre looking awesome tonight. Some argue that you cant use them in the imperative mood (the command form, such as in the sentence Come with me), but there are plenty of exceptions here, too, because even though the contexts where you use them in this way would be pretty narrow, they still exist. You could give someone an item and say, Have it. You could plead with someone, Love me, or make a person bristle by forcefully imploring, Understand this... Exceptions: Both Stative and Dynamic English also has plenty of gray areas, where a word isnt always only in one or the other category- sometimes words are stative and sometimes active. As with so many things in English, it depends on context. Sylvia Chalker and Tom McArthur explained, It is generally more useful to talk of stative and dynamic meaning and usage  [rather than types alone]...Some verbs belong to both categories but with distinct meanings, as with have in She has red hair  [stative] and She is having dinner [active] (The Oxford Companion to the English Language. Oxford University Press, 1992). Another example could be with the word feel. Someone can feel sad (a state of being), and a person can also physically feel a texture (an action). They can also  tell others to check it out as well: Feel how soft!   Or even think can be in both categories, even though it doesnt seem like a very dynamic process. Compare the usage of  I think thats really lousy with the famous scene in Back to the Future when Biff comes up to George in the cafe and commands him, Think, McFly! Think, while knocking on his head.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Complete List of High School Electives

Complete List of High School Electives SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you thinking about high school electives and wondering what your options are? Unlike required courses, electives are classes you choose based on your interests. Most high schools offer electives that cover a wide variety of topics, so you're sure to find some that interest you! This list was created by compiling the elective options from numerous high schools across the country. A variety of schools were used including public, private, large and small schools in order to create a complete list of high school electives. How to Use This List This list is intended to give you an introduction to all the possible electives you may come across as a high school student. You can use it as a starting point for doing more in-depth research of your own school's electives. Read through the list below, making note of any course names that seem particularly interesting. Then, grab a copy of your school's course catalog (ask your guidance counselor if you don't know where to find it), and look to see which of the electives you found interesting are offered by your school. Read through the course descriptions if necessary because electives can have different names depending on the school offering them, even if they cover essentially the same topic (for example, the culinary arts class listed below could also be called cooking, foods, or something similar). Mark the interesting electives you find in your course catalog as potential classes to take in the future. Also, because this list organizes electives by category, you can see which categories have the most interesting electives for you. While electives don’t include all topics covered in a specific field, if you marked, for example, a lot of the science electives as potentially interesting topics to study, you may want to think about continuing to study science in college. Being interested in your classes is one of the best way to get higher grades and enjoy what you’re learning. Now that you have the complete list, are you wondering how to choose which electives to take? We have a guide for that! Read through it to learn how many electives you'll be able to take and how to choose electives that are both interesting and will strengthen your college applications! What If Your School Doesn't Offer an Elective Listed Below? It would be impossible for any single school to offer every elective on this list; there are simply too many. Schools choose which electives to offer based on a number of factors including location, student population, resources available, teacher expertise, and student interest. If you are interested in one of the electives on this list but don't see it offered in your school's course catalog, you can take the following actions: Talk to your guidance counselor or department head. The elective may be under a different name than the one listed below, or your school may offer a similar course. If there is no comparable course and you are really interested in the subject, talk to your guidance counselor and see if it’s possible for you to do an independent study or take the course at a local community college. The Complete List of Electives Business Accounting Business law Business management Consumer education Entrepreneurial skills Introduction to business Marketing Personal finance Computer Science/Information Technology Animation App development Audio production Computer programming Computer repair Film production Graphic design Media technology Music production Typing Video game development Web design Web programming Word processing Family and Consumer Science Chemistry of foods CPR training Culinary arts Early childhood development Early childhood education Family studies Fashion and retail merchandising Fashion construction Home economics Interior design Nutrition Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Foreign Language American Sign Language Ancient Greek Arabic Chinese French German Hebrew Italian Japanese Korean Latin Portuguese Russian Spanish You might even learn all the Dutch names of the Chinese zodiac signs! Language and Writing Advanced composition African literature Asian literature British literature Cinema studies Contemporary literature Creative writing Debate Film study Gothic literature Humanities Journalism Poetry Popular literature Practical writing Public speaking Rhetoric School yearbook Works of Shakespeare World literature Math Computer math Math applications Probability and statistics Quantitative literacy Trigonometry Performing Arts Choir Concert band Dance Drama Guitar Jazz band Marching band Music theory Orchestra Percussion Piano Theater technology World music Physical Education Aerobics Dance Gymnastics Health Lifeguard training Pilates Racquet sports Specialized sports Swimming Weight training Yoga Science Agriculture Astronomy Biotechnology Botany Earth science Environmental science Forensic science Geology Human physiology Marine biology Meteorology Oceanography Physics Sound and acoustics Zoology Social Studies African studies Asian studies Civics Cultural anthropology Current events Economics European history Human geography International relations Latin American studies Middle East studies Mythology Philosophy Physical anthropology Political studies Psychology Religious studies Sociology US government Women’s studies World politics World religions Visual Arts 3-D art Art history Ceramics Digital media Drawing Film production Jewelry design Painting Photography Printmaking Sculpture Vocational Education Auto body repair Auto mechanics Building construction Computer-aided drafting Cosmetology Criminal justice Driver Education Electronics FFA (Future Farmers of America) Fire science Heating and cooling systems Hospitality and tourism JROTC (Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps) Metalworking Networking Plumbing Production technology Refrigeration fundamentals Robotics Woodworking What's Next? Now that you know the options you have for electives, read our guide to learn how to choose electives that will interest you and strengthen your college applications. Trying to decide whether to take the ACT or the SAT? Read our guide to figure out which test will get you a better score! Are you considering summer academic programs for middle school and high school students? Take a look at our guides for the TIP, SIG, CTY, and Stanford EPGY programs. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Two part paper about the recent financial crisis and Hyman Minsky's Dissertation - 1

Two part paper about the recent financial crisis and Hyman Minsky's theories - Dissertation Example The stationary properties of all the variables are examined using Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root tests. To test for stationarity, the unit roots for each of the series are examined using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root tests developed by Dickey (1976); Fuller (1976); Dickey and Fuller (1979). Here the null hypothesis that the time series belongs to the difference stationary process against the alternative that it belongs to the trend stationary process has been tested using two models, one with constant and the other with constant and trend. The optimum number of lags is selected using Akaike Information Criteria. 45 3.4 Hypothesis Testing 47 3.5.4 Model Limitations 48 3.6. 5 Hyman Minsky’s Articulation 49 Chapter 4 – Statistical Result 55 4.1 Empirical Evidences for Greenspan’s Theories 55 H 63 R 63 D 63 B 63 FRM 63 Constant 63 -1.000 63 0.03(0.56) 63 0.07(0.04) 63 0.09(0.03) 63 -0.002(0.65) 63 -0.23(0.03) 63 0.002(0.15) 63 -1.000 63 0.04(0. 03) 63 0.43(0.04) 63 -0.004(0.21) 63 -0.65(0.76) 63 0.001(0.14) 63 0.002(0.013) 63 -1.000 63 0.32(0.14) 63 -0.001(0.11) 63 -0.43(0.16) 63 4.2 Empirical Evidences for Taylor’s Theory 67 Price Expectations and Housing 70 4.3 Empirical Evidences for Hyman Minsky’s Theory on Financial Crisis 72 Chapter 5 – Data Analysis and Interpretation 75 5.1 Discussion of Greenspan’s Theory 75 5.2 Discussion of Taylor’s Theory 83 5.3 Discussion of Minsky’s Theory 88 Chapter 6- Conclusion 94 References 100 Chapter 1- Introduction 1.1 Background In 2007, a number of leading European and U.S. banks were severely impacted by the collapse of mortgage-backed instruments that were mainly a by-product of their ‘packaging’. To the dismay of financial institutions, these toxic assets comprised a major portion of the bank’s asset base. The high demand in the housing market was triggered by historically low (many would argue below equilibrium) intere st rates. This ‘artificial’ demand led to a bubble in the housing sector that subsequently burst once the Fed raised interest rates, paving the way for a series of delinquencies. Buoyed by the booming housing market, banks granted loans to subprime borrowers who under ‘normal’ conditions, would have been rejected. With the rise in interest rates, these subprime borrowers failed to pay back on their house payments which resulted in a plethora of loan foreclosures. The rising defaults led to a credit crunch because financial institutions suddenly became very wary of lending to each other. For example, a steep rise in liquidity costs resulted in the â€Å"first bank run† in Britain in over 150 years. The enduing credit crisis was the result of a sustained period of global imbalances and bubbles in asset prices. The Federal Reserve continuously kept interest rates at unprecedented low levels for a significant part of the decade, setting the stage for che ap credit. Many business leaders and financiers across the world considered U.S. households

Friday, November 1, 2019

Dance 234 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dance 234 - Assignment Example The dance is about the event that brought together various choreographers and performers who took part in the performance. The BoSoma2 created the choreography for the dance as created by the directors of the dance company. The leadership of the company consists of three members of the company. The company seeks to utilize the rigorous athleticism that exists within the entertainment industry. Judging by the movie, the dance was on 27th of February 2015. The show presented is the Third Life Choreographer that involves several performers including Rowan Salem, Bosama 2 Dance, Jennifer Farrell, Kelley Donovan, Bryce dance company, Olivia Coombs, Catherine Wagner and Kelly Engel. The program involves performances including the Real Rosie that involved several performers. Variations on the story were a performance choreographed by Kelly Engel. The performers included Kelly Engel, Malone Thermitus, Previlu, Lisa Lin and Erica Lin. The performers dance to music by Susie Suh and Koch Robert. The Hunt was the performance that followed and choreography of Shannon Luchs. The dancers in the performance include Grace Stauffer, Tessa Hamza, and Sahaiyai Khalili. The dancers performed music by Bjork, which was a remix of the song, Cover me. The Freedom Dances was an exceptional performance that presented sections of work in progress. The choreography was by Laliberte Nicole instructing several dancers including Stephanie Walsh, and Luciana Lyans. The performers danced to music by Antonio Vivaldi and Vann Teirsen. Madeline Douglas and Elizabeth Griffin appeared courtesy of the spindle city Ballet Jr.Co. The second section was an untitled dance by several performers such as Erin Gridea, Tara Gragg, and Lauren Difede. The appearances were courtesy of the Island moving company that presented a great performance. The dance tells a story that provides the audience with an

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Yield Curve Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Yield Curve - Essay Example If we compare the price movement of the stock with that of the S&P 500, NASDAQ and Dow Jones Industrial Average, we see a positive correlation between the stock price and the three indices. The stock prices have moved with the market in the past one year. But on the other hand, the stock price movements have been less vigorous than the three indices, which mean that the stock is not as volatile as the market. In absolute terms the sales and profitability of the firm has increased in the past 3 years. The sales have grown at a rate of 2.15% in the past three years. The profitability of the firm has grown at a rate of 10.67% in the past three years. The profit margin has also seen an increase in the past three years. It was 3.31% in 2009, 3.52% in 2010 and 3.89% in 2011. The trailing profit margin is also following this trend with a margin of 3.87% for the quarter ending July 31, 2011. According to upgrades and downgrades history, the stock was downgraded on February 10, 2011 to neutra l from buy. But analysts after that have estimated a mean price target of $60.10, which is approximately $7 above the current price. Analysts’ estimates show that the sales will show a growth at the end of this year and the next one. The analysts also expect that the EPS will also show a growth. The analysts have estimated the Wal-Mart will grow at 10.41% per annum over the next five years and the industry will grow at 14.82% per annum. The analysts recommend buying to holding on to the stock with a mean recommendation of 2.2. Part 2 Complete the following table:   Business Date Chosen Five Years Ago 30/08/2006 1-month Nominal T-bill Rate on that Date 5.16   3-month Nominal T-bill Rate on that Date 5.05 6-month Nominal T-bill Rate on that Date 5.14 1-year Nominal T-bill Rate on that Date 5.06 5-year Nominal T-bill Rate on that Date 4.72 10-year Nominal T-bond Rate on that Date 4.76 20-year Nominal T-bond Rate on that Date 4.98 30-year Nominal T-bond Rate on that Date 4.91 1. The yield curve is almost inverted on this date. This is because the trend that can be inferred from the graph is that the long-term debt instruments have a lower yield than the short-term instruments. Inverted yield curves have been an accurate forecasting tool for recessions. This type of a yield curve shows that the future interest rates will be lower because of which there is an increase in the demand for long-term bonds. And as a result the yields fall for the long-term bonds. 2. 10- Year Bond Purchased for $1000 5 Years Ago   Original Value $1000   Coupon Rate 4.79 Current 5-Year Yield to Maturity 0.98 Number of Semi-Annual Periods 10 Current 5-Year Yield to Maturity/2 0.49 Current Value $1,185.47 Gain or Loss on the Bond over the 5 years $185.47 20- Year Bond Purchased for $1000 5 Years Ago   Original Value $1000   Coupon Rate   5.00 Current 15-Year Yield to Maturity (est.) 2.70 Number of Semi-Annual Periods 30 Current 15-Year Yield to Maturity (est.)/2 1.35 Cur rent Value $1,282.14 Gain or Loss on the Bond over the 5 years $282.14 The gain for the 20 year bond is greater than the gain on the 10 year bond. It is because the value of the 20 year bond is higher than the 10 year bond. Both the bonds will be sold at a premium because the coupon rate is higher than the YTM for both bonds. The only difference is that the 20 year bond has a longer time to maturity because of which its value is higher. -----------------------------------Please Leave a Positive Feedback------------------------------------- Works Cited Brigham, E. F., & Ehrhardt, M. C. (2005). Financial Management: Theory and Practice. USA: South-Western Cengage

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Analysis of felda jengka settlement analysis

Analysis of felda jengka settlement analysis Pick any rural area that you are familiar with. Describe its socio economic background including approximate broadband penetration. Describe occupations that are existing there, demographics and geographies lay out including major buildings and geographical locations. What are rural areas? According to an online source, the definition of rural areas is areas that are largely isolated in an open country with low population density. Many people often have a misconception between the terms countryside and rural areas. Countryside is often referred to rural areas that are open. Areas such as forest, wetlands and others that have low population density are associated with rural areas. However the definition between the terms countryside, rural and urban areas differ from one country to another. In Malaysias early days, urban areas often equated to gazetted administration districts with a population of 1000 or more inhabitants where most of its economy are mainly professional-based. Most of the people living in urban areas work as Figure : Malaysia Rural Populationdoctors, lawyers, engineers and others. However, this definition is no longer applicable in todays world. In Malaysia, the economy of the rural areas on the other hand is mainly agricultural-based. Most of the settlers are smallholder operators in agricultural sector and labourers. The smallholder agricultural sector includes oil palm plantation, rubber plantation, fishermen, and estate workers, just to name a few. From Figure : Malaysia Rural Population graph, it can be seen that there are many rural settlers in the 90s. However, according to World Bank statistics, it is reported that in the year 2008 itself, the population of rural settlers was 8007029.29 people. From the graph itself, it can be seen that after the year 2000, the rural populations start to decrease. One of the reasons that cause the reduction of rural population is the migration of rural settlers to urban areas. Since decades ago, the main occupations of the rural settlers in Peninsular Malaysia are fishing or farming. Most of these settlers live in villages which are often known as kampongs. These villages consist of houses that are built on stilts with wooden or bamboo walls and floors, and thatched palm roofs. However, just as urban areas, there are higher income earners too in these villages. Higher income earners are often to live in houses that have either tin or tile roofs. Since the main occupation of these villages is farming, most of the rural settlers grow rice. Thus, rice will be their staple food. In Malaysia, most of the rural settlers are farmers due to the ideal climate and environment in Malaysia throughout the year that allows paddy to be planted. Besides paddy cultivating, fresh vegetables plantation and fishing in nearby streams or rivers are part of their daily chores. Raising rubber trees for rubber collection is carried out to increase the family income. Those living a long the coast will earn their living through fishing. In Sabah and Sarawak, the rural settlers differ from Peninsular Malaysia. In the western of Malaysia, most of the people live in isolated villages. They preferred to stay together in a large long house that can accommodate lots of families. Their daily chores include raising vegetables, hunting, fishing and gathering edible plants in the jungles. In most rural villages whether in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah or Sarawak, there will a few shops that will be operated by Chinese merchants. These shops will sell items that rural settlers could not produce. They include coffee, milks, utensils and others. However, in Sabah and Sarawak, some Chinese peddlers are willing to travel to the isolated villages by boat. Once they reached the isolated villages, they will exchange their goods with the forest products that the rural settlers have. Most of the rural settlers live in poverty. There are many factors that drive poverty among the rural settlers. One of the factors is multidimensional in nature ranging from social to economic factors. One of the researchers, Ungku Aziz (1964) stated that poverty is usually associated with lack infrastructures, low income, low productivity and unemployment. In conclusion, poverty in rural areas is due to lack of infrastructure development, welfare programmes and agricultural development. Figure 1: Jengka Triangle LocationUntil today, in Malaysia there are many rural areas that are scattered around. In this write up, the rural area that is picked is FELDA Jengka. FELDA Jengka or Bandar Pusat Jengka is located in the state of Pahang, Peniinsular Malaysia as shown in Figure 1. Bandar Pusat Jengka is one of the major cities and is located in the centre of the triangle Jengka which is also known as Felda Jengka. Bandar Pusat Jengka is under the supervision and administration of FELDA. It is located near to Gunung Senyum Recreational Forest which serves as a tourist destination. Gunung Senyum is believed that since Mesolithic era, there are human settlements in this area. Next to Gunung Senyum is Gunung Puyuh which consists of 18 caves. FELDA stands for Federal Land Development Authority which is established in 1st July 1956 by the Malaysian Government to handle the resettlement of rural poor to much more developed areas. FELDA provide the initial models to the rural settl ers to start their career in farming. This scheme is only applicable to ethnic Malays. Currently, according to a study carried out, FELDA is one of the worlds largest plantation owners. FELDA has about 811140 hectares of oil palms across Peninsular Malaysia. The location of Jengka Triangle or FELDA Jengka where 25 settlements are found in this Triangle. Figure 1: Location of Jengka Triangle Development Area Figure 2: Jengka Triangle Development Area Jengka was first found in the year 1967 and today its population is reaching almost 300 thousand people. Jengka is located in between three regions namely Temerloh, Maran and Jerantut. This small town obtained its name from a nearby river called Sungai Jengka. According to some residents there, this river obtained its name from a story where a woman by the named Yang Jangka who drowned in this river. The Lembaga Kemajuan Wilayah Jengka (LKWJ) administered this town from the year 1967 to 1997. Then from 1997 until today, Jengka is administered by Majlis Daerah Maran (MDM). Bandar Pusat Jengka got its name from Jengka town. Jengka town originally is a settlement that specially built for workers who work in Kilang Syarikat Jengka Sdn. Bhd. (SJSB) in 1969. Kilang Syarikat Jengka Sdn. Bhd. (SJSB) is a subsidiary of the Pahang State Government. Jengka settlers came from all over Malaysia since 1986. They are the poor people who have the living standard of below poverty level. According to a study done, the majority of the FELDA Jengka settlers ancestors are mostly deployed from the northern states such as Perak, Perlis, Kedah and Penang. However, there are some who came from eastern states and southern states such as Kelantan, Melaka, and Selangor, just to name a few. This will leads to a blend of different cultures and traditions as different settlers from different states will try to preserve their ancestry customs and culture. Besides the majority Malays settlers, there are also Chinese and Indians settlers. Table 1 shows the breakdown of the Jengka settlers by state origin. It can be seen that most of the settlers are from the state of Pahang itself. Table 1: Jengka Settlers by state of origin Today under the administration of FELDA, in Bandar Pusat Jengka itself, there are about 25 FELDA settlements. They include FELDA Anggerik Jengka 1, FELDA Cempaka Jengka 2, FELDA Dahlia Jengka 3, FELDA Kemboja Jengka 4, FELDA Kekwa Jengka 5, FELDA Keembong Jengka 6, FELDA Kenanga Jengka 7, FELDA Kesidang Jengka 8, FELDA Kesumba Jengka 9, FELDA Mawar Jengka 10, FELDA Melati Jengka 11, FELDA Melor Jengka 12, FELDA Puteri Malu Jengka 13, FELDA Raya Jengka 14, FELDA Semarak Jengka 15,FELDA Sena Jengka 16, FELDA Seri Pagi Jengka 17, FELDA Seroja Jengka 18, FELDA Siantan Jengka 19, FELDA Tanjung Jengka 20 ,FELDA Teratai Jengka 21, FELDA Terkis Jengka 22, FELDA Tonkin Jengka 23, FELDA Jengka 24, and FELDA Jengka 25. These FELDA settlements are located a few kilometres away from each others. In each settlement there are about 300 to 500 of settlers occupying. Each of the male settlers is known as Peneroka FELDA and their wives are known as Penerokawati. The wives of the settlers are under the supervision of a manager that is appointed by the FELDA. For example in FELDA Jengka 25, there are about 152 families living in this settlement. FELDA Jengka 25 opened its door in the year 1986. The years before that, which is in between the year 1983 and 1984, development and deployment in FELDA Jengka 25 begin. In this settlement, farming land is divided into two categories which are Level 002 and Level 004. Level 002 consists of 95 people and Level 004 consists of 57 people. Level 003 do not have any settlers. The main occupations of the FELDA settlers are mainly agriculture based as more than half of the populations in FELDA Jengka are involved in agricultural activities. Table 2 shows the distribution of settlers in the FELDA Jengka Triangle according to scheme. From Table 2, it can be seen that FELDA Jengka settlers are mainly involve in oil pl antation and rubber. Thus, it can be concluded that in Jengka Triangle the main crops are oil palm and rubber. FELDA Jengka 24 is one of the 25 settlements in FELDA Jengka. It is found that up to year 2008, the population of this settlement is about 5000 people. Most of the settlers are involved in small businesses through the Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) which was established few years back. Most of the older generations that settle in this settlement are involved in land cultivating, and working in farms and orchards. The younger generations have further their studies at the tie tertiary level in other states. Some of the younger generations seek jobs in big cities like Kuala Lumpur. As stated in the beginning of the writing, plantation sector is the source of income for most settlers in Jengka Triangle. Most of the settlers in FELDA Jengka 24 and also others settlements in the Jengka Triangle regions are involved in oil palm plantation. Besides involving in oil palm plantation, the settlers are brave enough to take the risk of investing in agarwood tree plantation. Agarwood is said to be one of the most expensive and good quality plant product. It is said that this plants required eight months to reap and a total of five years are needed for the trees to be cut. All the settlers work very closely with FELDA in this sector. Mature oil palms will be collected by the settlers and will be transported to FELDAs Oil Palm Processing Plant to be processed. FELDA play an important role in ensuring that the settlers will be paid for their hard work. Besides, it is also found that there is an average of 13 shops per scheme. Most of the shops sell basic necessities such as rice, sugar, canned food and others. There are also shops that operate as coffee shops that sell various types of cakes, drinks and noodles. Sundry shops and coffee shops are commonly found in the settlements. Besides, sundry shops and coffee shops, there are shops that repair motors, hardware shops, bookshops and others. Recently, a youth from FELDA Jengka involved in aquaculture field. Leech farming has been initiated by Mohd Khairul Nizam Che Anuar and his friends. They will rear leeches in canvas containers and after 60 days, they will sell these leeches at the price of RM200 per kilogram. These leeches will be processed into leech oil. Table 2: Distribution of Jengka Settlers based on the scheme In Bandar Pusat Jengka, there are about eight schools, two colleges and a university. The Government realized that education is really important in shaping the future of the younger generations. Besides, in Malaysias constitution, every citizens of Malaysia have the right to obtain a proper education. Thus, schools such as Sekolah Kebangsaan Jengka Pusat, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jengka Pusat, Maahad As-Sultan Ahmad Shah Ad-Dini, Sekolah Menengah Kebangsaan Jengka 6 and others were built. FELDA too provides monetary support for the settlers children who are furthering their studies to tertiary level. Besides, the Universiti Teknologi Mara  (UiTM) Cawangan Pahang Kampus Bandar Jengka was built so that standard of living of the settlers in Bandar Pusat Jengka can be improved. The Government have been developed Bandar Pusat Jengka by introducing new facilities to accommodate the needs of the people living in Bandar Pusat Jengka. The Government realized that new facilities should b e built in rural areas like Bandar Pusat Jengka to ensure that the rural settlers are not left behind in the countrys development. Bandar Pusat Jengka has been given many public facilities. They include Jengka Hospitals, Masjid Sultan Ahmad Shah, Bandar Jengka, public library, bus terminal Nadi Kota Bandar Pusat Jengka and Urban Community Polyclinic Jengka. Besides these facilities, the Government too have bring some of the Government agencies such as , Islamic Council and the Office of Customs Pahang , police station, Fire and Rescue Department , National Registration Department, Department of Road Transport, Office of  National Energy and Office of the  NSW Department of Water Supply to this area so that the rural settlers need not need to travel to the nearest town some 40 kilometres away to make a visit to any of these agencies. In addition to that, the Government too built some sports facilities such as golf courses, sports complex and mini stadium to allow the rural settle rs to involve themselves in sports. Financial institutions such as Maybank, Bank Rakyat, Tabung Haji and Affin Bank just to name a few have established in Bandar Pusat Jengka. These financial institutions provide facilities such as loans, financial management and others to help the rural settlers to increase their crops production. The welfare and safety of the settlers in each settlement in FELDA Jengka is well taken care of by the Scheme Development and Security Committee (JKKR) which is formed under FELDA entrusted. The Scheme Development and Security Committee (JKKR) will uphold a high responsibility in giving co-operations and help to the settlers so that the settlers will be able to progress further which is part of the governments aspirations. In the recent Budget, the Government has allocated a huge amount of allocation to develop the rural areas around Malaysia. This is to ensure that the settlers in the rural areas will be able to obtain adequate facilities. It can be seen that in most rural areas, most of the residents are able to enjoy electricity and water supply in their homes. Currently the one of the Government inspirations is to connect the rural areas with the urban areas. In order to achieve this, penetration of broadband should be introduced to rural areas. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the Centre Line Community (CBC) is introduced to FELDA Jengka 23 and 25 in April 2010. This main aim of this facility is to help the younger generations in the rural settlement to be ICT literacy and to fill their leisure time. By having internet facility in the rural settlements, the younger generations will be able to communicate with the outside world as bridging between the rural and urban community coul d be formed. This will able to widen their knowledge. CBC was introduced to rural settlements due to the inspiration from the Government to ensure that all Malaysians have knowledge about the internet and are able to connect to the world. Besides, this will bring changes to the mentality of the FELDA younger generations settlers. According to CBC FELDA Jengka 23 Manager, Mohd Shahrir Md Yusof, he said that this facility is a joint venture project between the Government with Suruhanjaya Komunikasi Dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) and Telekom Malaysia. Broadband penetration in rural areas such as FELDA Jengka has brought changes to the living standard of the settlers. With the internet facility at Centre Line Community (CBC), the settlers are able to save time, money and energy. Moreover, their daily activities such as paying monthly utility bills, business online payment (money transfer), communicate with outstation family members and products ordering by consumers; just to name a few will be easier to be carried out. With this broadband penetration in FELDA Jengka, the settlers need not need to travel more than 40 kilometres to the nearest town such as Termerloh to carry out their activities. Currently in FELDA Jengka 23 itself, the Government and other organizations have allocated 20 units of computers. The settlers are able to use the facility from 9am to 6pm throughout the week. Besides, the CBC too provides basic computer classes to educate the settlers on the operations of the computer and some of the programmes. According to Mohd Shahrir, there is a high respond from the settlers on this facility where the average users of the facility are more than 100 settlers per day. Besides FELDA Jengka 23, other settlements such as FELDA Jengka 24 too are equipped with the broadband facility. In FELDA Jengka 24, the CBC is located together with the Rural Clinic. According to Khairul Nizam Che Anuar or Along who is a youth living in FELDA Jengka 24, he said that he us ually visit the CBC to surf the internet and to learn more about leech farming. CBC too can surf as a place where the settlers are able to meet up and communicate with other settlers. Thus, this will leads to a better bonding between the settlers. In FELDA Jengka 24, there are only two computers, a scanner and printer. In conclusion