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India of My Dreams Free Essays

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Her people will have good food to eat. They will have fine clothes to wear. They will have nice houses to live in. They will have proper education. They will be clean and healthy. They will be free and happy. There will be jobs for all. There will be no strikes and ‘morchas’. The people will be peaceful and united. India will flow with milk and honey. all of us want India to become a respectable super power in the world. India ha a rich past. it was because of its riches, that it was invaded innumerable times and its wealth was plundered. The British rulers exploited the country. At the time of independence, the country was in turmoil, its economy had been shuttered and there was unrest all around. In sixty years since independence, the country has made tremendous progress. However, it is still for behind the developed counties of the world. India of my dreams is a peaceful, progressive, literate country free from the pangs of poverty, where every citizen feels safe and secure, where health facilities are provided top all and where the women of the country are treated with utmost dignity and respect. India, is proud of its rich past. It was because of tis riches that it was invaded innumerable times and that its wealth was plundered. The Britishers ruled India for almost two centuries and exploited the country economically. At the time of independence (August 15, 1947) the economy of the country was shattered and there was social unrest all round. However it was time for India to write its own history. A lot of progress has been made on various fronts. There have been short comings in our planning as well as its implementation. However when we notice other counties, who also achieved independence around the same time, we feel we are much better placed. Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy. It provides employment to over 60 percent of the country’s work force and it accounts for over quarter of India’s gross domestic product. It also contributes substantially to export trade. However except for some pockets of development, agriculture scene in rest of the country is dismal. The farming community is generally under debt. A large number of farmers in recent years have committed suicide because of mounting economic difficulties. Industrial development plays a significant role in the growth process of the under developed counties. It helps in raising income levels and in absorbing rural surplus labour. It is believed that prior to 19th century India was a great manufacturing country. However at the time of independence the industry was in bad shape. Industrial development stared with the second five year plan. It has passed thought different phases. Many bottlenecks and red tapism came in the way of rapid development of industry. Some of the areas of concern have been addressed in the post liberation ear. The new industrial policy of July 1991 is market is needed for the growth of industry. India maintained a favorable policy towards foreign direct investment till 1967. Some preconditions and regulations were imposed from 1968 onwards. Realizing that these conditions were hampering India’s industrial progress, the relaxations were made. With the economic liberalization from July 1991 onwards foreign direct investment has been encouraged and it has been allowed in many sectors. India has made its mark in ‘Service Sector’. It has emerged as an important Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs and Call centers) destinations. India fortunately has a large number of well qualified English speaking population, which is needed in this kind of enterprise. India’s population as per 1951 census was 36 crore. In 50 year i. e. as per 2001 census the country’s population on March 31, 2001 rose to 102. 7 crores. Such rapid growth of population places a huge burden on our limited resources and limited land area. India’s literacy rare as per 1951 census was less than 20 percent. In over fifty seven years it has increased to about 65 percent, which clearly indicates that even today about 35 percent of the population over 350 million people in our country are still illiterate. It is truly a sad reflection of the sate of literacy in our country. India has made rapid strides in many spheres. the economic condition of the people is better today than it was at the time of independence. We have made tremendous progress in science and technology. Our infrastructure is far better. A large number of universities, colleges and schools have been set up. Industrialization has taken place. Better health care is now available especially in urban areas. Average life span has increased. Infant mortality rate has come down. Better employment opportunities are available to the youth of the country. Means of transpiration and communication have undergone a sea change. Print and Electronic media has played a key role in creating awareness and bringing people closer. Improvement is noticeable even in provision of sports facilities. India is the third English book producing country after USA and UK. Indo-English literature is now well-developed and internationally recognized. It is able to capture many international awards like Booker price. You read "India of My Dreams" in category "Essay examples" Pulizter prize etc. Arundhati Roy, Jhumpa Lahiri, Anita Desai, Arvind Adiga etc. are some of the important names in this field. Despite all this progress which is commendable, a lot needs to be done to improve the living conditions of agricultural and industrial labor and the people working in unorganized sectors. Steps should be taken to stop crime and violence. The misguided youth of some troubled states needs to brought in the main stream. Communalism, regionalism and fundamentalism need to be curbed with a strong hand. Condition of women folk needs drastic improvement. Women empowerment is the demand of a civilized society. Equal opportunities need to be given to the girl child for education and career development. Illiteracy and poverty need to be rooted out. Self-sufficiency ought to be achieved in all spheres. Dependence on other counties should be a thing of the past. India of my drams is a country where nobody is illiterate and nobody sleeps hungry, where there is no distinction on the basis of genre, religion or caste, where justice to a common man is neither denied or deleted, where orruption in public life does not exist, where criminals can not occupy and ministerial berths nor enter legislative assemblies, where merit counts in every sphere of life, where jobs cannot be purchased, where rapists have to spend the rest of their lives behind the bars, where the intellectuals like Amartya Sen and Har Govind Khurana do not have to leave the country’s shore for higher research and recogn ition where the Shabad Kirtan from Gurudwaras, and Azan from Mosques, the Bhajans from Temples and chiming of the bells from churches merge and mingle and produce a harmonious, melodious, spiritual tune, loved by on MY INDIA MY DREAM ? JANA GANA MANA ADHI NAYAKA JAYAHE BHARATHA BHAGYA VIDHATHA? Yes, India? s pride never ends. It s a holy peninsular land. The great Himalayas act as strong barrier of the country. Thus India is a prestigious country. As a citizen of this beloved land I feel proud to dream about my country. I? m looking forward for a comfortable and settled life of Indians within a few years. ?JAHAN DAL DAL PAR SONE KI CHIDIYA KARTI HAIN BASERA, OH BHARAT DESH HAIN MERA? -Rajinder Krishna. Yes, that is the India of my dreams and I wish to translate these dreams into reality. What is required is our strife and struggle to annihilate the evils prevailing in our society in order to reach our goal. These evils have been inherited by a few of our own people from the British much before they left India for good, enough to award miseries, pain and insults to the masses, who continue to suffer for centuries. This is the land where ? ahimsa? was born. Even though India is a very great country with very old culture and tradition, she had not been playing a very important role in the world as she could never become independent in the real sense. But now the entire perfectionism of India has recognized. I would, therefore, like to see, in the first place, that each and every citizen, in my India, should possess a national character, which is absolutely essential to keep the banner of the country up. An erudite person should have respect for both literate and illiterate alike and the ? haves? really help the ? have-nots?. Next, India should be a place where the virulent notion of division, fragmentation or destruction through regional-national conflicts is considered an opprobrium of high degree ;the atmosphere paradisiacal with all its wonders up-to-date and the survival of its denizens , irrespective of all discriminations, absolutely necessary. Where the boundary of different states gradually ceases to exist or become truly artificial, making the national boundary healthier and stronger. Where creation of ? Gulistans? is substituted for ? Khalistans?. Today? s political ethos exhibits a very unhealthy trend. Wrong people with wrong motives are entering politics. I would like to see an India where politicians cannot inflame the spark of communal violence and riots or bamboozle voters with their duplex speeches. Every religion has impregnated its ambition with a particular shape and a specified bliss. Every religion teaches people how to love one another; we have used it to hate one another! In my India, I wouldn? t wish to see that one butchers neighbors in the name of religion and demolishes their religious places of worship. It would be a place where mere recitation of holy scripts and consecrated laws during worship would never reflect one? godliness, unless put into practice. Terrorism and militancy are raising their ugly head more than ever before. Harijans, the lowest and the most oppressed caste in India, have been successful in launching a nation- wide movement. I would love to see the people of my country free from all types of grievances, oppressions and demands. No one would ha ve to hang his head in shame. There would not be a single Indian who would not be proud of his country. While the India of my dreams would maintain amicable relations with neighboring countries, her foreign policy would be the best in the world. Even after 45 years of independence, she is still plagued by poverty, unemployment and foreign exchange trade deficit. I would, therefore, like to see India as a place where inflation and demonetization do not kill the consumers? ability to purchase. Where jobs are not deprived to even the poorest of the poor and everybody is satisfied. A healthy economy is the life-blood of a country. We would serve as a model of just such a vibrant economy- nurtured by an imaginative , innovative, liberal trade policy. The largest single source of foreign exchange for our country is tourism. I would wish this trend to continue. I would wish, in some years, India would be having the most creative entrepreneurs, the most dynamic business leaders and the sharpest financial brains. Nature has been kind to India by endowing her with the gift of abundant natural resources. Thus, in my India, there would be optimum exploitation of her resources. The machine- made articles of the world would be unable to compete with the handicrafts of our India of my dreams. Exports would be at their zenith; imports at their nadir. The quality of life cannot improve in India as long as the population keeps on ncreasing at the present alarming rate. Therefore, in my dream about India, people would be much rational and they would themselves, open-heartedly, check the population growth simply by having a child or two. Everywhere, everything would be in plenty for all. As on date, India? s is the fourth largest army, the fifth largest air force and the seventh largest navy in the world. A Pentagon report says that India is now the largest power in South Asia. I would wish to see her being ranked first in the world in all these categories and also regarded as the ? Mecca of scientific inventions and discoveries?. Also, I fantasy India as a place where cultures and civilizations are at their peak. Where child labor is unheard of and children not intentionally crippled and made to beg for personal gains of others. Where leprosy patients are not required to ask passers-by for help but provided with everything by the Government. Where men think it a sin to ask for dowry and women are treated at par with them and not harassed or burnt by in-laws. Where colleges and universities are not turned into political dense. Where the people think it ? better to spin with Penelope than dance with Helen?. Where her men and women are so perfect in all respects that they are imitated proudly by their counterparts in the rest of the world. May my India look like a fairyland to the children so that they are and all. A classes and casteless India, a country which all Indians can be truly proud of. happy and able to weave the fabric of perfect loveliness and pulchritude. Progress is a purposive change. It can be either scientific or moral. India had tremendous progress since independence. But there are some more stages which India must cross to achieve complete progress. I wish my dreams of those progress would change India? s fate. ?HUM HONGE KAMYAB EK DIN? — Keeping this motto in mind, let us, therefore, cry to eradicate all the evils of our society and acquire the requisite culture, discipline, attitude and habit of tolerance, goodwill and mutual respect, so that everyone of us one day, will have so clean a heart and so pure a mind that he will have a glimpse of a novel dawn, and the first of the sun, that day, will be truly golden, enough to fulfill my dreams I LOVE MY INDIA use this poem -Where The Mind is Without Fear Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow? domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led forward by thee into ever-widening thought and action– Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake. — Rabindranath Tagorerays Economic inequalities or poverty that is the root cause of several social tensions and breakdown of law and order is a thing of the past with no one being forced to suffer the pangs of hunger; every citizen is a literate adopting the norms of a small family as a way of life and contributing to the zero-growth of population; all the people lead a healthy life with epidemics being confined to the pages of history and diseases resulting from under nutrition driven out of the country; food production is enough to take care of the needs of the country’s population and is exported to other countries where food production is not adequate to feed the people; the rural areas compete with urban areas in development and reduce the migration of rural poor from the villages to the cities; there is no shortage of electricity and other energy sources to keep the wheels of progress and development going; all the people have their own homes and do not feel insecure in rented houses; child labo ur is eliminated with all the children attending schools and enjoying the joy of childhood; the workers are not exploited by unscrupulous managements and are paid fair wages; legal cases are disposed off quickly and justice is speeded up; our industries compete with the multination’s and give them a run for their money in the other countries; infrastructure is adequately developed to facilitate more investments in industries; domestic satellite television channels are attractive enough to wean the people away from the foreign television channels; pollution is effectively checked with industries switching over to clean or environmental-friendly technologies and vehicles checking their emissions; computers play a complementary role in common man’s daily activities by being an integral part of all the homes; sportsmen excel in all the international sports meets and games; religion enforces discip0line and promotes communal harmony; we become a superpower and a member of t he Security Council and are not browbeaten by any other superpower with threats of economic sanctions; and the citizens really feel proud of being Indian. How to cite India of My Dreams, Essay examples

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